Tue 21 Jan
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In your arms ;))
█ █ █CLASSY EBONY GODDESS ** very skilled ***incall special tonight $150 - 21
(Las Vegas, you to me or me to you)
Highly Reviewed ...CAN I BE YOUR GILFRIEND ??... Website.. Professional and Mature Men - 33
(Columbia, West Columbia, Columbia)
Its Almost Time To Bring The New Year In Right So Call Me And Lets Party - 26
(Columbia, Columbia broad river)
Im Always Available for Out Calls And I PIck Up When You Call 24/7 💋 - 23
(Columbia, Greystone/ Piney Grove/ Harbison)
_ _ _ _ _ I Do AlL ThE ThInGs YoUr WiFe WoNt DaRe Do ;) _ _ _ _ _ Thick Blonde! - 23
(Columbia, Mb incall 100hr Special)
*** Call Us Now*** Two Sexy Blondes @ the same time***** 504-617-0863 - 21
(Las Vegas, LAS VEGAS incall and outcall)
"I G0T WHAT U WAN'T, {+} M0R3" ~ Aw3$om3 $Kill$ $P3CIAL$ w/out ANY R3GR3T$* - 31
H0T & BOOTY * Must SEE! SuPer THiCK SuPer CurVy SuPer FREAKY * A BiG BOOTY VIXEN * W0W - 24
$$$ Don't Miss Out Columbia outcalls...Miss. Molly $$$ 50 rose special - 30
(Columbia, Columbia Outcalls)
♥♡ •ExPl∅SivE• ♡♥【•MOUTH • WATERING •】【dAAMMnN.. & ReADY •NoW】【SpaNKaBℓε •αSs】 - 22
(Columbia, §t. Andπews πd. and i26.. ♡♥)
‿↗⁀҉‿ 🌹° ~ELegAnt~ 🌹 ҉‿ ↗⁀☆҉ ~ClaSsY~☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ 🌟° GrowN & SeXy~☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ 🌟° Guarenteed to ComeBack 🌹 - 22
(Columbia, ((columbia))Broad River)
👑 GoddEss👀 You Already Know "Cattleya" Hot Hot New Sexy pics. Birthday Specials - 28
(2 notch 2 girls, Columbia)
💞Gorgeous Curvy Blonde With Lips 💋 and a Mouth That Will Leave You Addicted and Begging For More🔥 - 25
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
★. HOt Milf, New Year ◆◆ ☆Great Combination !!! ♣♣◇◇ call Jesse (803) 398- 1230 ♥ - - 39
(Columbia, sneak away ...Bush River rd(ups)
-I am 100% real no fake pics no bull ~¤»¥ @ all call me & get the Total Package! (803)446-7370 - 35
(West Columbia and surrounding)
=====) ______ C_H_E_C_K __ O_U_T___ T_H_I_S _!__ T_R_U_E __ B_E_A_U_T_Y_! ******** - 22
(Las Vegas in/outcall)
🌺GoT A 🆗sWeeT🍒 tOoTh❓ 😍SuGaR*➖ 💜803 🍏 999-8573🆒 SuMmEr🌞 TiMe⏰ sPeCiaLs🍆 - 25
%Happy Tuesday Specials ... Call Alley.... Incalls Only%&%Call Alley ;-) - 23
(Columbia, West Columbia I-26)
H I G H C L A S S!! If you missed me yesterday I'm Sry! Come 2 day!! - 24
(Columbia, PInEy grove rd! I am free today!)
Hi I'm tierra an I'm wanting on you to call me!! (407)883-8523 No black men under 35 - 28
(Bush river, Columbia)
Forget the Fake Catfish :-( Sexy Fitness Mode Here.... 100% Verified! Website & Video Proof! - 26
(Columbia, Columbia (harbison) (upscale incall))
👭😍😛🍪 Come Taste My Sweet Honey 😛 i do it all you name it .💦💦😋 - 23
(Columbia, Two Notch Road , Columbia)
*★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★60 $PECiALS All Nite - 39
(Columbia, west columbia)
*¨¨*:•. ★ *¨¨*:•. ★ *¨¨*:•. ★ *¨¨*:•. ★ *¨¨*:•. ★ *¨¨*:•. Busty Asian 34C Hana $120 Incall Special! - 23
(Incall or Outcall, Las Vegas, South)
brunette _________ S P A N I S H 150:hr.. INCALL ______ Sexiest SPECIAL 24/7 NOW _________ latina - 20
=========== Go To www EveryonesATF com To See When LOLA Will Be Playing In Your City =========== - 22
Freaky Fridays😘😘With Mz Peaches(Juiciest Of Em'All)💋💋Weekend Specials💵💵 - 23
(Columbia, Columbia, St Andrews)
°•❤•°DOMINICAN .°•❤•° _ GODDESS _ °•❤•° B.E.sT °•❤•° _K.e.Ep _ °•❤•° _ S.E.C.R.E.T _ °•❤•° - 19
(Columbia, incalls)
💋CoMe pLAy🍭🍭Eye❤ Catching [★] LatinO Mix SUPERBOWL FuN!!!! - 21
(Myrtle Beach, myrtle beach & surrounding areas)
Da BEST💯😜 Kandy Heard I Was Da Sh*t😉💦🍆🍑40$15mins 80$30MINS 60$20mins8038161522 - 22
(Bluff Rd, Columbia)
● ———— ▶ BUSTY ◀ ————— ● B L O N D E ♡ B O M B S H E L L ♡ ● ————— ▶ AVAiLABLE NOW ! ◀ ——— ● - 24
(Las Vegas, L.V Hotels)
Excotic Massage That Will Make U Keep Comeing Back For More An More - 24
(Columbia, off 1-26 exit 113)
♛♛☆ Don't Miss Out - Limited Availability!! ☆ New Number ☆ Nicole! - (803) 743-5620 ☆♛♛ - 25
★♡★♡★Friday Fun (specials ) Mariah Mixed goddess¤★□《●● - 24
(Columbia, columbia / surrounding areas)
CaUtioN -:¦:- yOuR NeW -:¦:- AdDiCTiOn -:¦:- U WiLL -:¦:- NeVeR -:¦:- FoRgEt - 29
Butterfly Fantasy!!! (3 DAYS ONLY ) $60, $80, $150 (INCALLS ONLY) - 30
(Columbia, Bush River $$60, $$80, $$150, Incalls!)